Suffice it to say, life got in the way so I never finished
writing about Timor or Australia. Maybe I’ll get around it to it one day, but
in the meantime…
Let me start by saying that Madagascar the country, which is
a rather large island off the southeastern coast of Africa, is nothing like the
movie (which I’ve admittedly seen only the first half of). There are no lions or penguins or whatever
else here. However, since before the island broke off of Gondwana it was connected
to both India and Africa but has since been isolated for millennia, it is home
to some rather unusual wildlife, including many species of lemurs (found only
in Madagascar) and 7 of the world’s 8 species of baobab tree (also see The Little Prince), 6
of which grow only here. It is likewise home to the world’s smallest chameleon
and to many other species of wildlife I’ll probably tell you about if and when
I see them someday.
What I have seen so far, however, is the people, who are
also a bit of an unusual mix, as the highlands of the country were originally populated
by Indonesia, while Arab traders mixed heavily with the people in the north,
and various other ethnicities are mixed in to make a population that doesn’t
really look “African” or “Asian.” In culture as well, having spent time in some
of the other former French-African colonies, I guess I was expecting, well,
basically an African country with some heavily-accented French speaking. On the
contrary, the French spoken here – amongst educated people and those working
with foreigners – is actually relatively fluent, and they use the proper “vous”
instead of “tu,” which was the mode of address in all in the other African
countries I’ve visited. Baguettes are ubiquitous (although horrendous and deserving
of the name in appearance only) and in the capital you can’t walk more than 50
feet without seeing a display of some horrifically sugary, icing-covered pastry
mimicking the French fashion. Prices are
pretty high and they are obviously used to tourists, at least on the coasts.
There was even a tapas bar in the town I just came from – Diego Suarez – though
I didn’t try it.
But what’s weird is that despite being #151 on the UN
Development Index, which is higher than most other sub-Saharan African
countries, Madgascar has the third highest rate in the world of child stunting
due to malnutrition, with the current prevalence estimated at 53%, trailing
only Afghanistan and Yemen. In the town where I am staying, Anivorano, I have
electricity 16 hours per day and no running water. The town is situated along
the main north-south road, with a few muddy paths running off of it, and stray dogs, ducks
and chickens wandering around everywhere. I have to jump over running streams
of trash and god knows what else to get to work in the morning, which
fortunately isn’t too far away. And I’m currently fighting an invasion of mini
ants, who for some reason have decided they like my water bottle, causing me to
do an urgent wipe-off-the-ants jig when they crawled all over me, and now to be
very thirsty.
And then there are the little things… like this morning I
attempted to get a coffee, which I later learned is only drunk by “old people” here.
I went to the woman who sells coffee at the market, and she began by pouring
condensed milk – which was thick like raw honey – out of a can. It was full of
these huge black lumps, however, and on further investigation it turned out
they were bees. They were just flying around and landing in the milk and
hanging out there, and she was vaguely picking some of them out and more were
landing. Now, I could handle one bee or maybe even two in my coffee – I’ll pick
them out, whatever – but upwards of 10 is just too much. That was more bees
than milk. I paid the nice lady anyway, and decided three months without coffee
isn’t the end of the world.
And then there is this weird thing where they switched over
from francs to ariary as their currency several years ago, with the banks last
accepting francs as legal tender in 2009, thus none are available now. However,
all the prices are still quoted in francs, causing people to have to divide
every price by 5 to get to a currency they can pay with, despite most people
not having much education at all. This means that they pull out calculators to
figure out how much they have to pay, or I presume in their head they visualize
that a 1000 ariary note actually says 5000 on it. Maybe they just don’t know
their numbers, and assume every number as written is actually times 5 as
spoken? Anyway, I asked the most educated and worldly person I know here about it
today and he seemed to think it was totally normal and that francs were still
in use, so I asked if I could actually see a franc note. “Of course,” he said,
and then explored his pockets to find one, only to eventually conclude that
they aren’t around anymore.
Well, I imagine I’ve lost most of you by now, so I’ll end
here. I’m here for the next few months working with a medical NGO on the
malnutrition problem and trying to set up and run a small clinic, and this time
I actually brought my laptop and have a GSM internet modem, so you’ll be
hearing from me more often. As always, please keep in touch!
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